Number Representation
Number Bases
Already learned in CSAPP
Signed Representations
Signed Intergers
- n bits => $2^n$ things
– half positive, half negative?
Sign and Magnitude
- “first” bit gives sign, rest treated as unsigned(magnitude)
- below is an example
- $000_2 = +0_{10}$
- $001_2 = +1_{10}$
- $010_2 = +2_{10}$
- $011_2 = +3_{10}$
- $100_2 = -0_{10}$
- $101_2 = -1_{10}$
- $110_2 = -2_{10}$
- $111_2 = -3_{10}$
$(0……0)_2$ and $(1……0)_2$ = $\pm0$
Most pos number
$(01……1)2 = (2^{(n-1)}-1){10}$
Most neg number
$(1……1)2 = -(2^{(n-1)}-1){10}$
not quite ideal.
Biased Notation
- Like unsigned, but “shifted” so zero is (roughly) in the middle
- below is an example
- value = “unsigned value” - bias
- conventional bias : $(2^{n-1}-1)$
- $000_2 = -3_{10}$
- $001_2 = -2_{10}$
- $010_2 = -1_{10}$
- $011_2 = 0_{10}$
- $100_2 = 1_{10}$
- $101_2 = 2_{10}$
- $110_2 = 3_{10}$
- $111_2 = 4_{10}$
$01……1_2 = 0_{10}$
Most neg number
$0……0_2 = -(2^{(n-1)-1})_{10}$
Most pos number
$1……1_2 = 2^{(n-1)}_{10}$
just like unsigned(sorta).
One’s Complement
- New negation procedure - complement the bits:
- the idea is neg numbers are generaeted by flipping or complementing the bit, which means all 0 will be turned into 1 and all 1 will be turned into 0.
- below is an example
- $000_2 = +0_{10}$
- $001_2 = +1_{10}$
- $010_2 = +2_{10}$
- $011_2 = +3_{10}$
- $100_2 = -3_{10}$
- $101_2 = -2_{10}$
- $110_2 = -1_{10}$
- $111_2 = -0_{10}$
$0……0_2$ and $1……1_2$ = $\pm0_{10}$
Most neg number
$1……0_2 = -(2^{(n-1)}-1)_{10}$
Most pos number
$01……1_2 = (2^{(n-1)}-1)_{10}$
- kind of like unsigned
- a weird edge case where if the most significant bit overflows or there is a carryout,we have to wrap around and add that to the beginning of the number. AND THIS IS REALLY COMPLICATED .
Two’s Complement
- Like One’s Complement, but “shift” negative #s by 1:
- Two’s Complement take the idea of One’s Complement where we complement or negate the bits, but then it adds 1
- So to get the neg number, we take the pos value, negate the bits and then add 1
- below is an example
- $000_2 = +0_{10}$
- $001_2 = +1_{10}$
- $010_2 = +2_{10}$
- $011_2 = +3_{10}$
- $100_2 = -4_{10}$
- $101_2 = -3_{10}$
- $110_2 = -2_{10}$
- $111_2 = -1_{10}$
$0……0_2$ = $\pm0_{10}$
Most neg number
$1……0_2 = -2^{(n-1)}_{10}$
Most pos number
$01……1_2 = (2^{(n-1)}-1)_{10}$
- Used by all modern hardware
- Roughly evenly split between positive and negative
- one more negative # becase pos side has 0
- Can still use MSB as sign bit
- To negate: Flip the bits and add one
Numbers in a Computer
- Numbers really have ∞ digits,but hardware can only store a finite number of them(fixed)
- Usually ignore leading zeros
- Leftmost is most significant bit(MSB)
- Rightmost is least significant bit(LSB)
- Overflow is when the result of an arithmetic operation can’t be represented by the (FINITE) hardware bits
- i.e. the result is mathematically incorrect
- Examples:
- Unsigned: 0b1…1 + 1 = 0b0…0 = 0 ?
- Two’s: 0b01…1 + 1 = 0b1…0 = $(-2^{(n-1)})_{10}$
- Solution add more bits
Sign Extension
- Want to represent the same number using more bits than before
- Easy for positive #s(add leading 0’s),more complicated for negative #S
- Sign and magnitude: add 0’s after the sign bit
- One’s complement: copy MSB
- Tow’s complement: copy MSB
- Example:
- Sign and magnitude: 0b11 = 0b1001
- One’s / Two’s complement: 0b11 = 0b1111;
Number Representation: How to represent positive and negative integers using binary
- Unsigned: Interpret numeral in base 2
- Signed: Two’s Complement
- Biased: Add bias
- Sign extension must preserve signed number
- Hex <–> Binary <–> Decimal(easy for translating)
- Remember the decimal $2^0$ to $2^{10}$
- kb: $2^{10}$, mb: $2^{20}$, gb: $2^{30}$, tb: $2^{40}$, pb: $2^{50}$, eb: $2^{60}$, zb: $2^{70}$, yb: $2^{80}$
go from a smaller base to a larger base
go from a larger base to a smaller base
Binary to Hex
Hex to Binary
bias notation
unsigned value + bias = actual value
Two’s complement
- the sign bit is neg and all other bits are pos
- Fliping bits (except sign bit) and add 1
Unsigned and Tow’s complement addition
doing addition for unsigned and Tow’s complement is the same
but how you interpret the value is different
positive overflow……
Tow’s complement
positive overflow & negetive overflow……
Take the 4-bit number x = 0b1010.
Calculate the value represented in the following schemes
schemes | value |
unsigned | $2^3+2^1 = 10$ |
sign and magnitude | $-1*2^1 = -2$ |
biased notation | $2^3 + 2^1 - (2^3 - 1) = 3$(conventional bias : $(2^{n-1}-1)$) |
one’s complement | -x = ~x = 0b0101 = 5 ==> x = -5 |
two’s complement | -x = ~x + 1 = 0b0101 + 1 = 0b0110 = 6 ==> x = -6 |
- Bits can be used to represent anything!
- n bits can represent up to 2n things
- Number Representation
- Unsigned, Bias, 1’s, 2’s
- Overflow
- Sign Extension